Saturday, June 13, 2009

About this blog...

When I started this blog, I thought it would be a great way to stay in touch with friends. I know there are social networks like Facebook, but a blog seemed more personal. Anyway, I talk too much for Facebook. Can you imagine? One of my monologues and the page would be full.

I really enjoy writing the blog, but there's a couple of things I want you to know.

I'm not much good with techy stuff (mmm, you noticed already). I have a copy of the book 'Blogging for Dummies', but I suspect the one I really need would be called 'Blogging for Absolute Idiots'.

Which is why it took me til this week to figure out how to put a counter on here (that's a gadget that counts the number of hits your site gets. And you probably knew that already). Sad, huh.

I write these posts and really try to edit before I publish them- but there's always something I just have to change later. So if you've returned to an entry and it seems different, don't worry, it's not you who is losing the plot.

Finally, thanks for spending a little bit of your day here in the pantry, hope you find something you like. On the other hand, if you find any chocolate, just remember it's mine. There will be no sharing. Ever. Just want to be very clear about that.


locationgoddess said...

Maggie I have no clue how the counter works. I bow in your honor. Kudos!!! Totally understand about NOT sharing chocolate. Whenever there's a box of See's Candies anywhere in my vicinity the words "mine, all mine," are spoken clearly and decisively. No questions asked. End of story!


peacesojourner said...

Well congratulations! Sorry that I couldn't explain about the 'counter/clicker' better. Mine was installed by a trusted friend who is the only person I have ever spoken to who knows what she is doing with this blog thing. I have to give her another call as the more I learn the more questions I have. I'll let you know if I come up with any good information :-)
Stay well.