Monday, August 17, 2009

Ellingham Show.

Last weekend my friend Irene and I went to the Ellingham Show which is held in the grounds of Sommerley House, near Ringwood. It's only on for one day, so 'if you snooze, you lose, but we were wide awake and to prove it, here's some photos.

Lots to eat, but if the Gourmet Burgers are so good, where's the queue? More interest in the Hog Roast- ah, but what's this- the Ellingham Church Refreshment tent- that's where everyone went. And no wonder- all those lovely church ladies baked cakes and made the sandwiches- it was packed inside.

The display of old cars brought back some memories for us. Both of our families had a car like this one. My dad had an Austin 7 and I can still remember the license plate:CG 2666. Every summer we used to go on holiday in that car, packing the tent (one of those old Army ones, heavy green canvas that leaked if you touched it inside while it was raining), all the camping gear, clothes and everything. Then I was stuffed into the back seat to sit on the heap of bedding and fight with the dog for space, while I had the budgie in his cage on my knees.

Our holidays were always a bit of a Magical Mystery Tour. We never planned where to go. After we'd shoe-horned ourselves into that tiny car, we'd drive to the end of the road and my Dad would ask 'Left or Right?' My Mum would decide. After that choice was made, we'd get the AA map out and go from there.
But I digress. Back to the show. There were quite a few stands displaying old crafts and some that are still in use today, like the thatcher and the hurdle maker.

Basket weaving and spinning.Walking sticks and staffs.

There was even a funeral director there with a wonderful old hearse, just in case you weren't feeling too good and cared to make your arrangements on the spot.

The central ring was busy all day with competitions; best cattle, finest horse and carriage, prize bull. There was show jumping too, but we missed it- we were too busy keeping the jewellery vendors in the Craft tent occupied.

There was plenty of live entertainment too, including a rather serious brass band, playing in a tent.

But the best was the one with the 'New Forest Plonkers'. If you're not familiar with the term 'plonker', it's what you call someone who's a bit of a twerp. And if you don't know what a 'twerp' is, then just take a guess! Anyway, they were funny, or at least I think they were funny, everyone was laughing and giggling at them- but then again, everyone had a pint as well. Hmmm.

So we had a really good day. and on the way out, we drove past Sommerley House. That's it in the last photo. Wouldn't want their heating bills.


geezer said...

Nice light piece, Mags, i enjoyed it immensely. Well written tongue in cheek with great photos.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

What a nice comment to receive, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Maggie