Friday, June 11, 2010

About this blog....

When I started this blog, I intended to write something every week; and for almost a year, I succeeded. But just like the old proverb says, the road to Hell beckoned and my good intentions skipped merrily away down it. Then there was Silence.

So I must say 'Sorry' to you, dear reader, for abandoning you without a word of apology or explanation.

OK, that's the grovelling over and done with.

Next, the snivelling. I haven't been well. Blah, blah, blah.

True; but Boring.

So here's the real reason I haven't been producing much here - I'm writing a book!

Yes, really! I'm quite excited about it because I never thought I could attempt such a thing; but here I am with over 50,000 words committed already. It's about my experiences and the fabulous people I met while I spent twenty-five years working at shows and exhibitions across three continents.

And that's why I haven't been 'blogging' so frequently; creating both the blog and the book is just too much to ask of the poor battered brain cell in charge of scribbling.

So here's what I propose to do- from now on I'll post smaller blogs. I'll try to be inspired by whatever I see while I'm out and about; or thoughts that occur to me (don't expect too much depth there, I mostly think about chocolate. And shoes. Occasionally World Peace - er, no, actually that's not really true. Just chocolate and shoes, then). And photos.

I hope that's OK with you. If you would like to make a comment, please do, because I really enjoy hearing from you.

And Thank you for staying with me. I very much appreciate your company. Because without you, there wouldn't be much point in this blog at all.


wendy said...

i'm so glad you're going to be continuing with the blog...and good luck with the book - looking forward to seeing in print and saying "i know the author"

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wendy!

Jayne said...

Yeah!! It will be a best seller Maggie! I love your wit & you are one of the most genuine (& funny) souls I've ever met so I'm sure it'll convey in your book! YOU GO GIRL!

Susie P said...

OK - so how is this for coincidence? Kayte's first job ever is running rides at a small amusement park in Seattle. I truly think we must have "carney" in our blood. We just can't seem to escape fairgrounds and carnival-like environments!

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Thanks Jayne and Susie!