Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Verona, Italy.

So, after 8 months of not going anywhere, I finally arrive in one of Italy's most beautiful cities- and what happens when I turn my camera on? I get a message saying 'No memory card'.

I couldn't believe it. I shook the camera gently; I turned it off and then on again. I swore a bit. But you know how it is with all things digital- they are never wrong, it's always the human who has made the error. When I finally admitted defeat and opened the damn thing up, sure enough there was a gaping space where the card should be.

How embarrassing- here I like to think of myself as some kind of late-in-the-day David Bailey, and I've left the most basic part of the equipment at home. Oh the shame. You can imagine the name's I called myself, I'm sure.

Anyway, thankfully they have camera shops in Italy (although I didn't find it in time to take any pictures of the first opera we went to, Aida- so you won't see me all tarted up in my finery, ha ha). But I made up for it later, taking over 250 photos in 5 days. So I got my money's worth!


locationgoddess said...

Looks lovely. Opera in Verona. Sublime!

nikki* said...

Wow How did you end up being able to travel? I have always wanted to go to Italy and France that is my life long dream.

Rebecca Dot Com said...

very cool blog! and beautiful pictures! i'm following you now! come follow me back

Michelle @Pen and Hive said...

This is what I missed?! I spent 9 days in Italy last year but missed Verona the first day due to a string of canceled flights. An unexpected trip to Pisa made up for it...I think. :)

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Thanks so muchfor all your comments! I'll be posting some more photos from Verona this week.
It's such a beautiful place. Maggie

Susie said...

So beautiful. Kayte visited there on a school exchange trip a couple of years ago and loved it there. It was here fave city. She stayed with a host family on a farm near Lake Garda. The father made cheese and sent a wheel home with her. It was so delicious!! If I ever get my life back together, Italy is where I am headed, for sure! Thanks for sharing!!