Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Salisbury Cathedral- magnificent, isn't it? Inside, it houses one of the 4 surviving copies of the Magna Carta. And did you know it has the tallest spire (123 meters/404ft) 'in the land' (I'm quoting from the advertisement in the bus, so I assume they meant the United Kingdom) and also the oldest working clock (AD 1386) in THE WORLD! (Again, the bus- Wilts and Dorset bus No. X3 in case anyone wants to pursue that bold statement any further).

It just shows you how long a journey it was (an hour) that I was reduced to reading things written on the bus. But at least this was what might be termed useful information. Usually it's graffiti.

I was on the bus because, quite frankly, it's the easiest way to get to Salisbury from where I live. Of course you can drive, but the road is dreadful and then when you finally arrive, there's nowhere to park. Someone else can have the headache while I admire the view.

This is Malmesbury House (below) and the sign tells you some of the history.

A crenelated gate (below), on the way from the city centre to the Cathedral.

Nuggs- the oldest coffee shop I've ever seen (left). I didn't go in. I was suspicious they might still have some sandwiches left over from opening day.
And River walk (below).


peacesojourner said...

Thanks Maggie - great pics. I wish that I could have spent the day with you on the bus and visiting. I learned a new word 'crenelated' - I didn't know that is what that style is called. As you know I love history so found this post very interesting and it also jogged me into some happy memories of past visits there with my family.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

OK, confession time- I only took that photo so I could use the word 'crenelated'! It's fascinated me since I learned it.
Glad it got you down memory lane!