Thursday, November 4, 2010

Throop Mill in Autumn.

Yesterday was a lovely day for a walk down a country lane or three.

So I went to Throop Mill (which I wrote about earlier in this blog). Last time I went it was summer; now it's autumn, and of course everything looks a bit different.

Here's Squirrel Nutkin enjoying his nuts. And why not?

If you look carefully in this photo below (I believe if you double click on the photo it'll come up larger), you can see a pheasant running across the field. He was really motoring, maybe he was worried I'd got a gun.
He needn't have panicked - I've eaten pheasant and I have to say, it was one of those 'first and last' experiences.

But these guys here- the Saddleback piglets with Big Momma looking on- well, that's another story. (The Saddlebacks are the black and white ones. Oh, you figured that out already. I dunno what the brown one is - sausages, maybe?)

Pigs are clever animals- and if these piggies ever find out what their address is (below), they'll be moving on out PDQ.

Pork chops, anyone?


peacesojourner said...

Thanks for sharing these pics - really nice. Out cousin Joan lived in Throop many years ago.
Is that your new camera that you are using? Nice.

Pig Shoot Lane has a dead end indication on it -hmmmmmm - I would like to know the history on who named it that.

Anonymous said...

You know, I never spotted that irony (the dead end sign).
Yes, that's the new camera. Am very happy with it. Maggie

locationgoddess said...

Lovely pics Maggie. I envy you having such beauty so close to explore.