Thursday, December 2, 2010


Isn't this the most pathetic looking palm tree you've ever seen (left)? You can almost see it shivering, poor thing. It must be wondering where it all went wrong.

It's quite unusual to get snow in these parts (on the South coast of England). Typically, about every 3 or 4 years, there might be a sprinkle of fairy dust. Kids try to catch some on their tongues, adults have a good grumble, and wimps like me crawl back under the duvet and hope it goes away.

Then with any luck, at about noon the snow obediently shuffles off down the drains and life goes on. But not today. Oh, no.

Now I want to be clear about this: I do not do snow. I don't do cold either, at least not gracefully. But this morning when I woke up, the world was deeply, seriously white, and it it was evident from the forecast that it was staying that way. Well, if you can't beat it, you might as well enjoy it, so I took my camera for a walk. These photos were taken in the park on the clifftop.

This is the British Government's answer to snow clearance (left). What's that you say, it doesn't look like anything has been done? Really? Well, you're right. The roads are like ice rinks. Staying home is the smart thing to do.
And look, here's White Van Man. For once, he really DOES own the road.

1 comment:

locationgoddess said...

I didn't know England had palm trees!