Thursday, January 20, 2011


One of my favourite birds is the Oyster catcher. They dress well in lovely black dinner jackets and accessorise with startlingly orange bills and legs. Their cry is a delicate 'peep'. They're very shy and it's rarely that you can get close enough to them to take a decent photo. ,P.But yesterday I was in luck! The beach was quiet and I saw these birds from some distance away. I took my time getting as close as I could and took about 100 photos. Thank heaven for digital. I won't bore you with all of them (OK, I heard that sigh of relief) but here's a sample.


locationgoddess said...

Must say have never seen one of these lovelies. Wonder if they are on the West coast of the states? Hmmm!

peacesojourner said...

Thanks for taking me on a pictorial walk along the 'front' - wish I could have been with you. Are oysters their main source of food?
What no snow on the ground :-)

geezer said...

All very peaceful at the sea shore with the sharp dressed birds walkin' about.
I could almost hear the whisper of the water lapping on the shore...

ps: great excuse for a longer lens.