Thursday, March 31, 2011

Marbella Carnaval 2011

It was most considerate of the Marbella Carnival organisers to wait until I arrived to hold their annual Parade.

Nothing I enjoy more than to see people enjoying themselves and cutting loose the restraints of everyday life.

Apparently you don't have to be in the parade to wear a costume, and just about every child was in fancy dress. Of course, that meant lots of photos had to be taken (above).

Little princesses meet the Queen Bees (think she might regret that choice of costume when she sees the photos; oh, come on, you know who I mean).

Of course the parade didn't start on time (it's Spain, what did you think would happen?) So clever Mums have brought food........

...and entertainment..... keep the little dears busy.

Isn't this little girl just gorgeous in her Spanish outfit (below)?

Then the kids got restless ....
and started amusing themselves....

Then finally! The parade arrived.

And then it was all over. Nothing left to do but pick up the litter and go home.

1 comment:

locationgoddess said...

Love the snaps. Nothing better than watching as the parade passes by.