Friday, June 3, 2011

Up on the roof.

Most trips have a 'WOW' moment; this was one for me. One hot and dusty day, Mert (that's him in the 4th photo below) took us through some alleyways to a grimy hole in the wall. "Follow me!" he commanded as he disappeared through the hole and started to climb the crumbling stairs; and like sheep, we did, never questioning why we were traipsing up what looked like the Stairway to Hell. That's how much trust we had in him by this point, although I must admit, my instincts were twitchy.
And look where we arrived. This is the amazing view from the rooftop of a textile Han.
All of beautiful Istanbul was spread below, like a magic carpet. A light breeze cooled us, and then, incredibly, a man appeared bearing a tray of Turkish tea to revive us.

Graffiti artists got here first!
Drinking black, sweet Turkish tea in the shade. And Mert, happy that we were enjoying ourselves.

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