Friday, June 24, 2011

The Boat Trip on the Bosphorous.

After walking what felt like every inch of the streets of Istanbul, on day 5 Mert softened and allowed us an easy day. He hired a boat and we went for a trip down the Bosphorous. I'm sure you could hear the collective sigh of relief as we sank gratefully onto the seats.

Claudia and I on the boat (below).

There was so much to see, grand palaces and mosques, that everyone was taking photos, so I took a photo of them.

I think that might be the Dolmabahce Palace, but don't quote me. Also, no nit-picking over the spelling, if you don't mind. The poor, over-worked brain cell was quite tired by this point.

The 19th May is Ataturk's birthday and it's an official holiday. Flags are flying everywhere you look, even down the side of buildings.

Left- this fortress was built by Mehmet the Great at the narrowest point of the Bosphorous to protect the city.

Fishing seems to be the most popular sport- every available spot is utilised (below). Either that or, I think more likely, the Bosphorous is a good source of 'dinner'.

Ataturk's image (left).

Then we arrived at our destination and disembarked. We were officially in Asia! Which means- I can add another continent to my travel-snob list.

Looks just like the European side, doesn't it? But no! It's Asia! Bragging rights.

I wanted a surreptitious photo of the group outside the cafe where we had lunch, but you can never get much past the eagle-eyed Mert! He spotted me and told them all to strike a funny pose. So they did. Well, I hope that's what they were doing, 'cos they'd be a pretty scary bunch if this was their normal look.

Finally, after a long and wonderful day, we caught the ferry home. Happy feet!

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