Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Chora Church mosaics.

The Chora Church houses some of the best examples of late Byzantine mosaics anywhere. The mosaics tell stories from the Bible.

The church itself was rebuilt in 1100 after an earthquake and when the Ottomans took over Constantinople in the 16th century, it was converted into a mosque. But rather than destroy the beautiful mosaics, the Muslims opted to whitewash over them. They stayed hidden until the 1940's when they were re-discovered and cleaned up.
The glittering mosaics really are breathtakingly beautiful., and my photos don't do them justice.

It really seems as if the eyes (left) follow you when you move. That's achieved by the way the stones are set.

The mosaics are stunningly lovely, but they are also set high up, so you are continually craning upwards to see them. I became tired and a bit dizzy, so I went outside to get some fresh air, and that was, for me, the best part, because I was shown a great kindness by the gentleman in the picture below.

He was sitting patiently outside the church selling fezzes and harem shoes. When he saw me sit on the stone steps, he immediately came over, offering me the cushion from his chair. That's why, in the photo at the top of the page, he's seated and in the one below, he's standing. It's because I've got his cushion.

He wasn't trying to sell me anything and wouldn't take no for an answer. He was just being very kind and gentlemanly. And that's how a lot of people are in Turkey; friendly and nice. And I will always think of him when I think of the Chora mosaics.

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1 comment:

Fran said...

This was the one place I didn't get to last time - it's definitely on the list for this time!