Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fast Food, Istanbul

There are food carts on almost every corner, so it's always easy and inexpensive to find something to eat. The most prevalent cart sells seed covered rolls, soft cushions of bread rolled in toasted sesame seed, as in the photo above.

But here's a delicious alternative. Sheets of soft flat bread are grilled and then filled with goats cheese, folded and then grilled again so the cheese melts. Absolutley delicious. On a hot day outside Hagia Sofia, these guys do a lot of business.The cart has a peeler thingy rigged up so the vendor peels the apples and cuts them into a spiral shape. There's Richard, from our group, buying one. He tried everything!This watermelon was wonderful- for 5TL (Turkish Lira) you can have juice dripping down your chin and pink sticky fingers! Yum! It was only a minute of watching Claudia enjoying herself before I went and got mine.
More fruit- pomegranate juice is popular, but I didn't like it- it tastes like medicine. I suppose that means it's really good for you.

This kebab cart (below) serves one of the best meals in town. Every evening he would set up on this dusty street corner and cook wonderful food. Fortuitously for us, he was only one block from the hotel. After another day of trudging through miles of dusty hot streets in pursuit of Mert's Mystery of the Day, some of my friends bought their evening meal, to take back and eat in the hotel.
Where was I? Food, and I'm nowhere in sight? How can that be? Never fret. You know I don't like to miss a meal. I was already happily ensconced in the bar across the street, cold beer in hand. The carnage had already commenced.

And if nothing else here appeals- there's always ......Ice Cream!

1 comment:

peacesojourner said...

Very interesting! i really like that cart that the apple man with the peeler thingy has. Looks like a great asset to vendors.
I have never been to Istanbul - who knew that it was so interesting? - thanks for the photos.