Saturday, July 9, 2011


It's pretty obvious from all I've written here that I think Istanbul is an incredible city.

It's intriguing for many reasons: it straddles both Asia and Europe; over time, (a lot of time), it's been home to Greeks, Romans, the Crusaders, the Ottomans and now, today- the Turks; while it's predominantly Muslim, it happily embraces many different religions. And the end result is an almost magical blend.

Maybe it's that confluence that gives the city an incredible energy. I thought I was sleeping badly because I was awake at daybreak every day- at first I blamed the bleating sheep and the blasted cockerel. But then I realised what was really happening; I was so excited about being there, it was as if I was 'fizzing' with energy and I literally couldn't wait for the new day to start so I could go out and see 'What's next'.

For me, Istanbul turned out to be something of a crossroads. Not just because it's where religions, continents and cultures collide- but because it can be a place where, if you're open to it, you come face to face with yourself. I wasn't alone in experiencing that sensation. Some of the others in the group felt the same way I know, because we talked about it.

Who knows how long that effect will last; will it cause long-term, life shattering change? Or just an adjustment that improves the lives we live already? Or, maybe there will be no change at all, as the day-to-day business of living takes over and Istanbul becomes just a wonderful memory? Only time will tell. But I will tell you that, thanks to some help and encouragement from a couple of people in the group (Thanks Rebecca and Claudia), I've started painting again, and have been showing some of my old work on here. It's a start.

And that leads me to a quote that I love: "It's never too late to be who you might have been." George Eliot.

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1 comment:

peacesojourner said...

Sounds like you had a spiritual awakening while you were there - that's how I felt when I lived in El Salvador - mine never left me - hope that you have the same experience.
Keep up the artwork and the writing - you do both very well. :-)