Thursday, December 29, 2011


There's some great architecture around Boscombe, but 'Property Developers' are gradually knocking it all down.  I went out on Christmas Day to get some photos (while there weren't too many people around). The photo above used to be a bank, and the photo below is the Royal Arcade. I'll post some more examples of old and beautiful buildings in the coming weeks.

The Royal Arcade.

Inside the Royal Arcade.
This photo (below) is the new mall called 'The Sovereign Centre. I think it's a 'modern monstrosity', without too much going for it. It's not even built well; on rainy days, a veritable garden of buckets blooms inside, to catch the leaks! But on Christmas Day the glass entrance doors were closed and I liked the effect of the reflected sky.

1 comment:

locationgoddess said...

Damn you city planners must be from LA where we tear down anything of interest. Shallow souls all of them!