Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lisbon- the Tile Museum

Above and below are some examples of the traditional blue tiles from Portugal.

Lucky kids were getting an art lesson in the beautiful surroundings of the Tile Museum. How come school wasn't like this when I was there?!

This woman is restoring old tiles. It looked like painstaking work- and look at the stack she still has to work on (behind her). That's what I call 'job security'.

This family were quietly drawing the beautiful, intricate designs.

The tiles above and below are from the 1500's.

There were a lot of modern tiles too, and I'll show them in the next post.


locationgoddess said...

Who knew there was a tile museum in Lisbon?

Anonymous said...

it was excellent, took us several hours to see the whole thing. There's an excellent restaurant too (well, you know, food first). Maggie