Friday, September 18, 2009


I think I'm breaking the rules here, by posting after having enjoyed a glass (or two) of wine, But so what? It occurs to me, in my mellow state, that we spend a lot of our lives being unhappy and dwelling on what we may, or may not, have done wrong. So here's some of the things that make me happy-please add what makes you happy in the comments box. I think I've made it easy to do (hope so anyway).

Feeling a breeze on my face; fresh air; sunshine; palm trees and pelicans; big band music; almost anything by Charles Aznavour; photos of friends; smiles- mine and yours; hand written letters; good stationary; watching good sport, especially baseball; sitting in a bar with old friends, enjoying a drink and the company; good champagne; good food. Hearing from my friends. That's you. So now it's your turn!


wendy stewart said...

what makes me happy? - hugs from the grandkids, sharing a pot of tea with special friends or a bottle of wine with my sister, a crisp fall day or a good thunderstorm, looking at photos of the "good old days" and knowing there are more to come.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

That's lovely Wendy!

wendy said...

thanks for making me think about it!

Sands68 said...

How spend a moment to think of what makes me happy- playing my tenor sax, a walk on the beach, good conversation with special friends, going crazy with my wonderful youth group,organising that special birthday surprise and the wonderful knowledge of God's love.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sands! That's really nice.

locationgoddess said...

Walking along a beach on a cold grey day after a storm, watching the waves pound the shore while hunting for "treasures", the affection my pets provide, Cary Grant movies, laughter, silly moments with friends, the quietness of early morning, SF Giants baseball (win or loose), searching for, finding and buying "perfect" gifts for my friends, seeing stars, Mother Nature, hummingbirds, a good murder mystery, exploration, Peanut M & M's mixed with popcorn, and NOT being in LA all make me happy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing again pal , Lovely pictures :) .

I am most happy when with my family and friends .


Margaret xx

Unknown said...

My dog, who is always glad to see me. Anyone with a sense of humour, laughter being the best medicine. Old friends, the smell of the ocean, warm sunny days, reading a book on a rainy day in front of a cozy fire. Good wine, great food preferably enjoying both in the company of old comrades, where the conversation is always fresh, the laughter is plentiful and the thought that these people allow you to be you.