Monday, December 14, 2009

Girona, Spain.

It all started with cheap tickets from Ryanair. If you've ever wondered who gets those ridiculous specials they offer every now and again- well, I'm one of those lucky people! I got two tickets from Bournemouth airport to Girona, Spain for 1p each way; including the taxes. We paid for a suitcase and the privilege of using my credit card to pay, but for £40.04 (that's about $60 US), we travelled to Spain for a week. Now that's what I call a bargain!

Girona is often used as a gateway to Barcelona, but having done some reading about the area, I thought it might be worth a visit. I am so glad we did! It's a beautiful place. It's in Catalonia, and feels like a blend of Spain and Italy. Here's some photos.

The cathedral (below).

And the view from the old city walls (right).

Inside the cathedral (below).

These steps are in the Old City- that's me, attempting to look very casual, but really just hiding my chubby self behind the pillar!

This is the main street in the Old city. This is where you pay way too much for a cup of coffee (or anything else you care to consume) but you get to enjoy it in beautiful surroundings. So just like any city really. The new city is on the other side of the river Onya.

The next two photos are of the Arab baths.

Girona isn't a huge place, but it was easy to spend 5 of our 6 days here. There are some great shops and lots of history to enjoy.

We stayed in a wonderful apartment which we rented through The apartment is built into the walls of an old monastery, so some of the walls are 3 feet thick. The photo on the left is of the steps to the apartment. Lots of steps in Girona! You return home much fitter than when you arrived.

And here's John enjoying the balcony, watching the most amazing storm I have ever seen- one hour of uninterrupted thunder and lightening. It was awesome.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you're back in The Pantry! Good little post there and i'm noticing your images are pretty well done as well.
Too bad you cut John off. I mean out of the picture in your post, can just see his feet.
Welcome back from an avid reader.

Wilsma (Krysia) said...

Fabulous pics - so glad you are back on here. Your blog makes me feel alive!

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Krysia, what a lovely thing to say, Thank you! Makes it worth the effort. x