Monday, January 18, 2010

Oh Dear.

So there I was in the grocery store. I only wanted a couple of things. Then I noticed they had saucepans on sale. They looked rather nice- copper bottomed and non stick- and I thought I'd like one. So I put one in my shopping basket along with the things I was going to buy. When I got to the check-out, I realised I might not have enough cash with me for everything now I had the pan, so I asked the nice lady if she would ring up the other three (note: only three) items and let me know the total, before she added the pan.

"Certainly," she said obligingly, "and do you need a bag?".

Did I have a bag with me? I couldn't remember. I rummaged in my purse.

Aha! I did indeed have a bag which I triumphantly flourished.

"That'll be £3.49." she said.

There was a pause while I started to get out the cash.

"Did you want the pan?" she asked, looking puzzled.

I looked at her blankly.

"The pan? What pan?"

Oh Dear.


wendy said...

LOL been there - still doing it

locationgoddess said...

No worries. Just a brain fart.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

A brain fart! love it.