Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A sad parting of the ways.

I'm so sad to have to say this, but a very close relationship of over six decades has finally come to an end.

We got along together really well for many years. But it seems that somewhere down the trail, I made mistakes, and those errors have obviously festered and rankled and become a sticking point.

I didn't realise that my actions were causing the bile to rise. The first signs I that anything was wrong were the sleepless nights when I tossed and turned, wondering what I had done to cause you, my former friend, to behave this way and cause me such pain. I didn't realise then that you were just reacting to my deeds.

And now, it's reached the point where the damage cannot be undone, and we must go our seperate ways.

So it's 'Good-bye' to my lovely gallbladder. I will miss you.


peacesojourner said...

Maggie - you are too funny!

As I read the post I was thinking 'Oh no, who has hurt you this much?' - hoping it wasn't anyone that I knew.

I am sorry that you are about to lose your gall bladder but I am so happy that it is not a valuable friendship that you are parting with. :-)

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Thanks! I'm happy to know it was funny, sometimes it's hard to tell how something comes over ;-)

locationgoddess said...

Having kissed mine goodbye 2 years ago I know you'll soon be saying "good riddance...what did you ever do but cause me pain!?"

Anonymous said...

Lol! Good one Maggie, I love it!
