Monday, April 4, 2011

Working Marbella.

It takes a fair amount of effort to keep somewhere as popular as Marbella looking good. Since I was up and out early most days, I thought I'd get some photos of the work.

First thing in the morning, sweepers clean the promenade and empty the bins. They were looking at me a bit suspiciously, I don't think they are used to being a subject of interest. But the work they do is really central to the beauty of the town.

Lots of painting going on at the beginning of the season.

You might think that while this Garage was being painted, they'd have closed the place- but no! These poor guys had to keep hopping out of the way of cars driving in and out.

Two men spent a day cleaning out the whole fountain, all the pipes and everything, and then re-painted it all. I took the photo of it working (on the right) when I was in Marbella 2009- don't want you wondering how all the greenery suddenly appeared.

Even plastic plants need love......

And why is it that all over the world, for every man working there are 3 more watching?

I don't know how much the workers featured here enjoyed their work, but here's a man who I'm fairly certain is really content with his career choice. He builds sandcastles. And once he's finished, he'll spend the rest of the summer in that recliner, waiting for people to throw coins into a bucket.

Now that's what I call a good job!

1 comment:

locationgoddess said...

Yes it is a great job but he has to loose that European swimsuit! Spoken like a true Yank don't ya think?!?