Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One of the art galleries.

We had arrived in Istanbul a day early so we decided to go out and explore this beautiful city. As we walked up a steep cobble-stone street, we saw this hole in the wall and the sign that said Art Gallery. Well, of course I had to go in, wondering all the time if this was a literal 'tourist trap' - you know, one where they really trap tourists and you're never seen again. Er, really?

Inside- beautiful artwork.


ellis said...

comphenI was surprised to see these. They could be anywhere in the world. Although there is a Turkey aura this is basic contemporary street art. It isn't raw or agonized. It is aware and frankly not very revealing.

I think we're awaiting non International that possible in our global connectivity?

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Found this gallery on my first visit to Istanbul in May. I was a bit disappointed with it, because while there were some lovely pieces, it is as you say- could be anywhere in the world. I was hoping for something that whispered 'Turkey'; And while quite beautiful- these didn't.