Friday, May 27, 2011

Pssst- Wanna buy a carpet?

There seems to be a Turkish carpet shop on every street in Istanbul. Usually there's also a very friendly man standing outside who, once he finds out where you're from, will beam with delight when he realises - what a small world!- he has a distant relative from the very same place! Well, of course you must come into the shop to discuss this amazing twist of fate. He'll even make you some tea! While you're there , you might also like to look at some of the finest carpets made in Turkey.

While the constant attentions of such salesmen can leave you reluctant to even look in the window of a carpet shop, the truth is that Turkish rugs really are quite beautiful. So, after a quick lesson in bartering Turkish style, Mert organised a trip to a better quality shop where at least we could see how the carpets are made before the assault on the wallet commenced.

Since I live in the same world as Walmart, I had previously thought that these rugs are rather expensive. But after watching the process, I've changed my mind. Turkish carpets really are a work of art, taking months to complete. And if I ever get rich, I will have one made of silk. But until then, I'll just have to dream.

We were seated and treated- a choice of tea or soft drinks. And then the dramatic presentation began.

Carpets were unfurled and skilfully thrown at our feet (see on the right, below). The rich colours and designs collided and swam together in a gorgeous pool. As the rugs piled up on the floor it was like being seated at in a Sultan's playground, carpeted with warm, glowing wools and softly gleaming silks.

Once the display was over, the salesmen moved in. If anyone showed even a smidgeon of interest (and how could you not?) you were escorted to a room on your own for 'The Close'.

Even though I had no intention of buying a carpet when I arrived, I found that yes, after watching that dazzling display and listening to the smooth sales pitch, maybe I would like one to take home. However, when I found myself closeted with a sharp eyed Turk who meant business, the ether quickly wore off. But several of our group did purchase a rug, and I truly envy them. They have purchased a thing of beauty which will last for years and always bring back a memory.

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