Thursday, June 16, 2011


This was the view from the window, early morning, looking out over the Bosphorus and the Marmaris Sea. As we gazed at this beautiful scene, we were serenaded by: trains; the local road digger; the call of the Muezzin; and a rogue cockerel who had his times all wrong (poor confused thing would make an almighty racket at 2 a.m. and then not another peep 'til 7!) . Also, on occasion, we would hear the bleating of sheep. We never saw any sheep. But there was a lot of lamb on the menu in the restaurants nearby. Oh dear.


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Anonymous said...

You're sure it was Istanbul not Constantinople?
I know, I know, it's nobody's business but the Turks.
As always, love the images and the wit.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Yes, well, there were times when it felt more like Constantinople, I agree! Maggie