Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Topkapi Palace.

The Topkapi Palace is one of the most popular tourist attractions. I enjoyed it, but to be honest, I think I was getting a little bit 'cultured out', if you know what I mean. Anyway, it was worth going if only to see the fabulous tiles; and also to learn why the eunuchs in the Harem were invariably black. Castration was not always successful- so if any of the women in the Harem decided to play around, and got knocked up, it would be obvious that the offspring were not the Sultan's nippers!

Just one example of the beautiful tiles (below).

The Best Group Ever! - all listening to Mert. Except me. See, attention span of a gnat.

Fabulous windows.

The courtyard.

Here's one of the best views across the Bhosphorous and the Marmaris sea.


Fran said...

I had exactly the same reaction Maggie :)

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Happy to know it's not just me then Fran!