Monday, August 15, 2011

This was my second visit to Verona and I don't want to repeat the photos I posted on here last year (they're under 'Older Posts'). So this year I'll attempt to take some shots that are a bit more 'day-to-day', in the hope that I can share with you the experience of being there.

But first- well, it's such a beautiful city. I can't resist some landscape pictures. Just to set the scene, as it were.

The first one (below) was taken from the top of Verona Arena, overlooking Piazza Bra. I had to climb up- the crane was busy lifting set scenery.

The Piazza is lined with restaurants, most of which stay open 'til the small hours, so you can see the opera and then, when it's over at midnight, enjoy a meal- probably followed by indigestion. Castelvecchio bridge (below), in the late afternoon. The Germans blew the middle of this bridge apart during WW11, but the Italians rescued the rubble from the River Adige and rebuilt it. Castelvecchio at night; a very pleasant place to enjoy an evening libation.
Below- 2 taken from across the river. And high up. Where the bus goes. Had enough climbing after the Arena.

Finally- an early morning picture (below).