Sunday, August 14, 2011


If you've been wondering where I've been....well, I went to Verona for 3 weeks. I know, I'm a lucky blighter. And it's been a fabulous trip- but I couldn't find an Internet connection. Well, that's not strictly true: the place where I was staying did offer 15 minutes free wi-fi a day, but after that you'd to pay 5 euros an hour, and frankly, I'm too cheap. I mean, that's the price of a Spritz Aperol! A girl has to get her priorities right, no?

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Latifa said...

Well, yes, i for one have wondered where you've been! Hope you're having a great time! I'm off to Stockholm this Friday!

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Ah, Latifa, Stockholm- now it's my turn to be jealous!

locationgoddess said...

Libations and Italy. Two perfect things in life.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Oh yes, locationgoddess, indeed!