Friday, January 13, 2012

Pergamon, Turkey.

The cable car.
Some of the group in the cable car, trying to appear nonchalant as we wobble up the side of the mountain in a pod that shook if you so much as blinked . Everyone looks really relaxed, but you should have heard the dialogue.
 "Nobody move til we reach the top."
 "But it's quite safe!"
 "Sit. Down."
Those aren't smiles. They are gritted teeth.
The view from the top.
It's a long way down!
The Acropolis, or rather, what's left of it.
The amphitheater. You can appreciate how big it is when you realise those ants climbing all over it are actually people.
Our group, with our guide Yaren telling us how Pegamon was built.
 I was too busy taking photos, but all I can say is, it's a good thing they had that cable car. Heaven knows how they would have got those stones up there otherwise.


locationgoddess said...

Wow. Love these shots and commentary. Looks like a fit group of travelers, fake grins or not.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Glad you enjoyed it, Thanks! They were a great group. Maggie