Sunday, February 12, 2012

A chilly Saturday around town.

Every Saturday there's a street market in Boscombe. This butcher comes from the Midlands and sells meat in 'lots'. As in, you get lots. Yeah, I know. The humour's  awful. Good thing it's free.
The fruit and veg guy always adds a great splash of colour to a grey afternoon.
Dining out. In front of a charity shop. On a freezing cold day. There really is no accounting for taste.
OK, I cheated here- these guys weren't actually busking in Boscombe. They were in Bournemouth, just down the road. But they're FROM Boscombe. And they're really good- they play proper Rock n' Roll. With the appropriate degree of Attitude.
Boscombe has its faults, but one nice thing is that it's fairly wheelchair accessible. After my Mum died, I used to bring my Dad here in his chair and he relished being out and about amongst people. Nice to see this guy enjoying some independence.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see the Boscombe Rockers have the proper 'tude! Bit Uncle Billy to be playin' stinged gear.
This was a great Post, lots of interest and character.
I liked it.

Maggie's Magic Pantry said...

Thank you! Maggie