Thursday, February 2, 2012

Frozen Hengistbury Head

This was my first day as a volunteer at my favourite place, Hengistbury Head. Work starts at 9.30. There are quite a variety of  things that need doing- today it was clearing gorse and brush. We were all equipped with sharp pointy things and set loose upon the unfortunate foliage. 
Once the unwanted undergrowth was felled, we dragged it to the bonfire. As you can see from the size of the heap, we were busy little bees. And I think the bloke doing the burning had bagged the best job, because look how cold it was today!
Those aren't waves- that's ice.
Anyway, I got smacked in the face with brambles, tripped up by roots and went home with aching muscles. Obviously, then, I'll be going back next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you!
It's great being in the great outdoors innit!