Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Everyone counts.

There's a charity in South Africa called 'Everyone Counts'. Their mission is simple- they save children who are abandoned, usually because of poverty, often the result of the parents being ill. Aids, that awful sidekick of poverty, is rife in South Africa.

The charity provides a safe place where woman can anonymously leave their babies. If the child has the Aids virus, they administer drugs which can stop it right there (it can be done if the child is young enough).

The website is at

They're anticipating a surge in the numbers of abandoned children, following the World Cup, and so are appealing for help. They're being very innovative- instead of just asking for money, they're holding an Art sale, and are looking for contributions from artists around the world, which they will sell through their web-site. All the work measures 12"x12" (30cm x 30cm) and they all cost the same amount- 1000 rand.

I was lucky to visit South Africa in 1996. I worked at the Rand Show in Johannesburg and then visited Cape Town. I think it's the most beautiful country I've ever been to. And the people I met there were wonderful, friendly and positive. So I'm happy to have the opportunity to give something back for the happiness I experienced there.

When I started thinking about what to paint, I decided to use rainbow colours for the background, because South Africa is known as the Rainbow country. I thought I might add butterflies, since they're synonymous with children. And being practical, I know that people like both rainbows and butterflies, which it might make it easier to sell.

Here's what happened.

1. Looks a bit like Tye-Dye gone tragically wrong!

2. Oh dear, where's my sunglasses?

3. A couple of washes of white paint calmed everything down. Then I tried to figure out where the butterflies would go- but somehow, they just didn't 'work'. I know it sounds weird, but sometimes, a painting, just like the heart, 'wants what it wants' and in this case, it wanted a woman and child.

4. Hmmm- After filling in her form, I realised the poor child would be smothered!

5. The finished painting.

I hope someone buys it. And I hope they have as much pleasure looking at it as I had painting it.


Elaine Zena said...

Absolutely brilliant Mags. I am sure you will make lots of money for this wonderful cause. Really, really love the painting.

Elaine x

wendy said...

the painting is beautiful - i love it.

Megan said...

Mags, what a beautiful painting! I'm sure it will be snapped up and you make a lot of money for the charity.

Megan x

Anonymous said...

Maggie, the painting is lovely. Someone will indeed get a lot of pleasure from it. Hel xx

peacesojourner said...

Thanks for the message and the step by step creation of your painting.
Q: how much is 1000 rand in pounds or dollars.
How does the auction work - how do people submit a painting - how do they receive it? I know some artists here who may be interested in donating.

As usual I am a fan of your work - it is beautiful!

Susie P said...

You are one talented lady, Ms. Maggie! As if you don't make the world more beautiful with your personality and sense of humour - you also spread joy through your art.

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate your kind comments- Thank you!
I mostly did this post to spread the word about this charity, I think they're doing amazing work.

If anyone wants more info, just click on the link to the website (it's near the top of this post).

Thanks again, Maggie xx

Anonymous said...

That is so fantastic pal . I haven't been to your site for ages . Well done . You are very talented .

Wee xx